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Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Pissing Off Poor People

Okay, let's call them "poor people" instead of "Black people" and, while we're at it, lets forget about the watermelons. I won't even question how anybody knows how poor people vote, as I assume studies have been done. The fact remains that anybody can still vote a straight ticket if they want to, it just takes them longer. If the poor people don't have the motivation to do this, then that's their problem. If it's true that the Republicans passed this law to discourage poor people from voting, wouldn't that just piss the poor people off and make them want to vote straight Democrat more than ever? The proponents of this bill claim that it will produce a "more informed electorate". I doubt that but, if it turns out to be true, wouldn't this newly informed electorate be well aware that the Republicans are out to disenfranchise them? If the Republicans passed this bill to help them win elections, it seems like they are shooting themselves in the foot.

Don't get me wrong, I'm still against this law because it will inconvenience everybody, regardless of race, color, or creed. I have voted straight Republican since I quit the Libertarian Party in 2004. If this was the only issue that was important to me, it would be enough to convert me to a Democrat, but the Democrats still want to raise my taxes and take my guns away, so that's that. I will be splitting my ticket this time because I'm voting Libertarian for president, and they won't have candidates running for all the other offices. I think I will vote Republican for congress as well because, with Hillary as president, we will need all the Republicans in congress that we can get. There is also this nice lady running for state legislature. She is running as a Republican, but she talks like she could almost be a Libertarian. She has been on the Cheboygan County Board of Commissioners, where she has done a fine job of representing "we the people" against the vested interests. I was
pleasantly surprised when she won the primary, and I might even vote for her if she was a Democrat.

I believe that some movies have been made about Vietnam, but I don't think any TV shows have. Although MASH was set in Korea, I think it was an expression of the general anti-war sentiment during Vietnam. The movie "Battle of the Bulge" came out about the same time, and it bombed at the box office because people were not in the mood for a patriotic movie in which the good guys won in the end. By the way, we didn't lose the Vietnam War, our government threw it away.

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