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Monday, September 19, 2016

bombs away

I think the Minoans developed independently of the Egyptians and the Sumerians,  It seems like first there were cities, and then there were civilizations.  You had to have several different cities to be considered a civilization.  People were generally aware of each other.  There was long distance trading before there were civilizations.  Of course this is all speculation, but a lot of archaeology is speculation.  They probably never will have things nailed down.  Linear A fascinates me, it just seems like with all our razzle dazzle computers we would have been able to decode it by now.

Sometimes I ask about somebody's dog, just for a chance to talk about my cat.  Just seems sort of polite like to me, like where when you go to a Mom and Pop grocery you say something about the weather before you ask for a pack of gum.I guess when Beagles invites us back to his house for venison steak after our seminar at Club 27, I'll remember if I want to talk about my cats, I'll just talk about my cats.

Bombs in New York.  Is it terrorism?  The hotter heads say it is, and the cooler ones say let's wait and find out,.  Looks like kind of an amateur job at this point, but does that mean it isn't terrorism?   What if it's some nut job guy, didn't he do it with the intention of creating some kind of terror?  The thing is we will always have those lone nuts.

What if it's the IRA or one of those eco-terrorist groups?   Well those guys have been around for years.

Ah but what if it's ISIS???  Clearly that is what the Trumpists and the rest of the republican party want us to believe, because then it is Obama, and Hilary's fault, all the more reason to install the amber asshole, because then he will, oh, you know, do something, something great to make us all safe.

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