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Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Comrade Trump

I saw a short clip from the debate on the 11:00 o'clock news last night when my hypothetical wife had it on to check the weather forecast. Hillary was speaking and Trump interrupted and talked right over her. I seem to remember that you aren't supposed to do that in a debate. Each debater gets so many minutes to talk, then the other guy gets so many minutes to respond, and they aren't supposed to interrupt each other. I think Trump started that crap when all those Republicans were debating before the primaries. The others must have picked it up from him, and now it has become standard practice. Why was he allowed to do that, don't they have teachers or somebody supervising those debates?

I still maintain that Trump is not on the level. I used to think that he was sent to help Hillary win and maybe wreck the Republican Party in the process. It occurred to me this morning that Trump's mission might be more extensive than that. You know what I think? I think Trump was sent here to wreck the whole United States Government. Think about it, if he gets elected, he won't know how to run the government, so he will have to rely on his handlers to tell him what to do. I have read more than once that Trump is a good friend of that Putin guy who is currently running Russia. As I understand it, Putin is an old fashioned kind of guy who wants to bring Communism back to Russia, not Marxist Communism, more like Stalinist Communism. When Trump realizes that he is in over his head, who's he gonnna call to come bail him out? Why Putin, of course, and there goes the U.S. of A. right down the drain! Then again, if Hillary wins, she won't need Putin's help to wreck the country, so she might be the better choice after all. Like Uncle Ken says, people are more comfortable being oppressed by their own kind than by foreigners.

On a lighter note, I saw Gary Johnson being interviewed on the lame stream the other day, I think it was NBC. What's up with that? I tuned in right at the end of it, so I don't know what all Johnson said, but I did hear him say that 70% of the voters don't even know that he exists. While that may be true, it won't be true for long if the lame stream keeps giving him free publicity. I wonder what their agenda is? Of course, if more people know about the Libertarians, that doesn't necessarily mean that more people will vote for them. Still it doesn't hurt to have your name bandied about, either by supporters or opponents. Like somebody famous once said, "There is no such thing as bad publicity." Well, it seems to be working for Comrade Trump.

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