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Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Nikki Minaj's butt

I don't worry about people tracking my purchases.  The whole world can know, and if they send me coupons that's nice, but I hate fiddling with them.  Our local store had those discount cards for awhile and showing them was a bit of a pain in the ass for a busy retired guy like me.  But if you could always tell them you didn't have it with you they would give you the discount anyway.

Sometime back some gun porn was posted on the Beaglestonian (What Ruby Doo calls the blog, has kind of a ring no?) and a few days later I got ads on fb for guns.  Didn't bother me that much I guess because if it wasn't ads for guns it would be ads for something else.

I never buy anything from an internet ad.  Just being on the internet gives anything a shady reputation in my book.  You know if you get a hard copy of say an advertisement circular, you can look it over all at once.  On the internet you only have some shiny thing and when you click on it who knows where you will go?  The internet is like one of those rope suspension bridges over a deep jungle valley.  You have to keep your eyes straight ahead and don't look down.  Even reputable sites like Politico and The Hill, and my Yahoo news feed (I would have included fb, but I don't think you can use reputable and fb in the same sentence), have these articles kind of at the bottom of that look sort of like news (The Ten Most Popular Presidents) but when you click on them you find yourself in a wild west of celebrity gossip and goofy health tips.  I now know a lot about the Nikki Minaj butt controversy which I won't sully the Beaglestonian by repeating, but I wonder if after posting this I will start getting ads for her music.

I think two things are going on with those seasonal workers from Jamaica.  One is that local people probably aren't interested in living in any barracks.  Another thing is Americans can be kind of lippy, but when you import people into your country and have them living in your barracks, and probably you can send them right back with the flip of a finger, they are not so lippy.

The Republicans claim to create jobs by unshackling business from pesky regulations and not making them pay any taxes.  The Democrats will provide more education and work on the infrastructure, and Carrot Top will do it by being a smart guy with a great plan.

But really these jobs are not coming back  The real enemy is not immigration but automation. But don't the fat cats ever realize that they need somebody to buy their products?  I guess maybe we could all end up as servants on their estates and building pyramids to their greatness, but come to think of it they can have robots do that.  What will become of the ninety-niners when there is no work to be done?  Won't the one percenters try to find some way to keep us around?

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