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Tuesday, September 6, 2016

no seeds, no levers, no semi colons

You're right Old Dog, it wasn't my discourse on sin which you disagreed with me on every damn point, it was my discussion of objective reality, another subject dear to my heart: a physical reality which we can all agree on from which to build our theories, but which if somebody denies the reality of, why then we cannot have a discussion at all.  Quite true that sin was the topic of Friday night's seminar, though at the onset it was on the Oxford comma, of which I am a big fan and the twitty semi colon of which I am most assuredly not.  Also discussed were italics and bolding which I find interesting because they were not arrows in our quivers back in the days of typewriters (I do miss slamming the carriage back, which, along with crumpling up papers and tossing them into the wastebasket and the cig in the corner of the mouth and the bottle of bourbon on the table, were the staples of creating great literature).  And of course Old Dog stuck up for his favorite punctuation device the ellipse which is, ok I guess, but....

The thing about watermelon is that there is nothing inherently wrong with it.  If some guy from Bora Bora noted that American blacks sure did like their watermelon it would be just an observation, but I would think a white guy who has lived here all his life would know that a black guy would immediately consider it an insult.  Conrad meant no offense by titling his novel The Nigger of the Narcissus, but if he were writing it today he would have given it a different title.

I don't come across watermelons much these days, and I have heard of seedless watermelons, but I did not know that they had replaced the seed-packed watermelons of my youth.  All I can say is, pity.  I've been reading of the imminent demise of the Cavendish for years now and yet the supermarket bins are still overflowing.  I usually vote straight ticket, and I would like to do it with one fell swoop of the lever, or as we do it in these dreary times of seedless watermelon and bland bananas, color in just one little circle.  A waste of my important time, and there is always the risk that I might be distracted, or the devil might take control of my hand and make me vote for a republican.

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