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Tuesday, June 11, 2019

We're Doomed

Trump did not cause the current immigration crisis, it was going on before he took office.  It has gotten worse during his administration, but I don't think that's his fault.  He promised to fix it, but I don't think he knew what he was talking about, and maybe he still doesn't.  Nevertheless, if Trump resigned tomorrow, the problem would not go away.  What we need is a total overhaul of the immigration laws, and even that might be too little too late.  The ICE people and the Border Patrol people do not make the laws, it's their job to enforce the laws as they are currently written.  I think they are doing the best they can with what they've got to work with, but it's like trying to bail out the Titanic with a ten quart pail.  Historically, mass migrations like this usually end up with the survivors assimilating each other after a period of conflict.  Like I said before, it's not going to be pretty.

For most of our lifetimes, this country has been exporting jobs and importing people.  Although it's not a magic bullet, it might help if we bring the jobs to where the people are.  Stop all imports from Latin America and put the Latin American immigrants to work producing the same products that they did in their home countries.  We'll have to pay them more, but the labor costs should be offset by the reduced shipping expenses and the fact that they will be spending their paychecks here and recirculating the money back into the local economy.  If present trends continue, it won't be long before there is nobody left in Latin America to make this stuff for us anyway.  The only things we need from Latin America that can't be produced here are coffee and bananas, but our genetic engineers should be able to do something about that.  If they can make meat out of yeast, they ought to be able to make coffee and bananas out of something or other.

I'm sorry to say that Uncle Ken's Christmas lighting campaign is probably doomed as well.  The board seems to be giving him the old run around, nobody wants to help him, and he refuses to read any documents that might contain a loophole in his favor.  I wish it were not so but, as my grandmother used to say, "Wish in one hand, shit in the other, and see which one fills up first."

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