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Friday, June 28, 2019

how Biden can get ahead

Oh come now Beagles, haven't you seen those water skiing squirrels?  I think you can take any animal when it is a baby and make it into a pet.  The human becomes the mother and the animal never grows up.  There are pet mice and rabbits and raccoons, but not that much, after all dogs and cats are right there at hand, and I think after all these years the less wild among them have prospered, and they have become pretty tame.  It's no big thrill to have a dog or a cat eat out of your hand.

But that squirrel in the backyard, even though it is far from forest or field, and most everything it eats comes out of a birdfeeder, is still a denizen of the wild, which we, silly humans, with our smartphones and arts and philosophies, are far from that world.  When the squirrel plucks that pecan from our outstretched hand it is like that painting where God is touching the finger of Adam, sparks fly and the sky blazes and seventy six trombones blare out.  I guess that is worth risking a bit finger, but maybe not having to get all those shots in your stomach to cure your rabies.

I think Beagles is wrong that nobody had heard of all the rep candidates in 2012 and 2016, they were a colorful group of wackos and you never knew what one of them was going to say.  The dems by contrast are pretty drab.  As I've said before, likely in these annals (but who listens to me?) I wish the dems would just put all the names in a big bag and pull one out and that would be our candidate and we would all be for them 100%, and there would be no bloody infighting.  I loved the rep debates, but I barely watched the dem debates because. let's face it both parties put out a lot of bullshit, and I'd rather laugh at the other party doing it, than squirm uncomfortably watching my party do it.

My intent Wednesday night was to watch the Cub game, but at eight o'clock there was a rain delay (and the Cubs were behind), so I took a peek at Channel five.  It wasn't so bad, there was a lot of grandstanding, but issues were discussed more or less rationally.  There was entertainment and enlightenment to be taken from it.  So I came back Thursday night, and that wasn't so good, the dems were squabbling and talking over each other like a bunch of republicans.

It is not so surprising that a lot of people who voted for Bernie, later voted for Trump.  Remember a lot of people who voted for Obama voted for Trump.  They were basically discontents looking for any old kind of change and certainly they were against the establishment,  Now Trump has established a black hole of anti-establishment, you can't get more anti-establishment than him.

You know a lot of people are surprised that Joe Biden is so high in the polls because he has those frequent gaffes.  I wonder if the gaffes aren't part of his appeal, make him look less like a politician,  In part I think that's what Trump's gaffes do for him.  I wonder if Biden, when under attack by his primary opponents, instead of trying to make some reasonable response, just called his accuser a lying sack of shit and a traitor, if that would make him rise in the polls.

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