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Sunday, June 16, 2019

A saucy time

Uncle Ken's efforts in dealing with his condo board are to be commended.  I didn't realize what a daunting task he was facing until I read some of the rules and by-laws that are available online.  You can feel the unseen hand of real estate bigshots influencing the rules, phrased in a way that it takes a law degree to figure out what's really being said.  One thing I noticed, though, is that although a lot of things are forbidden it looks like you can get away with a lot if you ask the board nicely and they grant you permission.  It's a giant loophole available to those who petition on bended knee.

I didn't examine all the rules very closely but it appears the only pets that are permitted are cats, service dogs, and small birds.  I wonder what the condo board has against tropical fish.

Regarding the lights, I have the impression that the white lights are permitted all year long.  How about asking for a "winter holiday exemption" that would allow colored lights from Thanksgiving to New Year's Day?  It sounds reasonable to me.


I see that salsa has made a return appearance and I'm curious as to what Uncle Ken means when he mentions salsa, which simply means sauce in Spanish.  The Mexican salsa that I get is very similar in texture to Tabasco or Louisiana Hot Sauce but a little thicker.  The green stuff I have, salsa verde, is different in both color and texture.  It's kind of chunky but I haven't read the label to see what's in it; I just toss it on the food as needed.  And where does pico de gallo fit into all of this?  Is it salsa or something else?

Hold the phone!  All questions about salsa can be answered here; should have checked earlier.  And Uncle Ken's favorite, Salsa Casera, is just home made sauce.  Whether red, green, fresh, raw, or piquant, I don't know.  An argumentative person could make a good case that ketchup is salsa but it won't be me.

Apparently I've started a new trend with my sister's family.  It started when I baked a cake for my niece's birthday, and continued with blueberry muffins for my sister's birthday.  And tomorrow is the 30th birthday of the twins, Rachel and Scott, and I'm on the hook to bake some pumpkin squares from one of my mother's recipes.  I was never crazy about them but what are you going to do?  My test batch was okay, but I thought a little bland so I kicked up the spices a little.  Maybe they'll like them, maybe they won't but they smelled great as they were baking.

Discovered a funny quirk with my stove which I didn't notice until I used a big pan for the pumpkin squares: the oven racks aren't level.  The burners on the range are fine, fried eggs don't slide to one end of the skillet but I can have the range level, the oven racks level, but not both at the same time.  Maybe there's a hidden adjustment somewhere but I doubt it.  It's a cheap small oven but since I don't have to pay for cooking gas I'm not complaining.

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