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Thursday, July 13, 2017

What Was the First Clue?

Okay, I have a better understanding of this Russian thing than I did before. What I would like to know now is what prompted the investigation in the first place. I'll see what I can find on Wiki this weekend. I would have done it tonight, but I clicked on Old Dog's link to that sad clown. I suppose he is good at what he does, but it's not my cup of tea. Tiny Tim was never my cup of tea either, I just was reminded of the song about the ice caps when I read that article in National Geographic.

I understand that when you delete an email it goes into the deleted file and, if you want to really get rid of it, you have to go to the deleted file and re-delete the message all over again. I am using my Gmail account directly now and not running it through the Windows program because I wasn't able to get that to work. With Gmail, anything in the deleted file or the spam file is supposed to go away after 30 days unless you delete it sooner. I have not checked to see if that actually happens, I'll have to do that one of these days. Uncle Ken, are you saying that, even after you delete the message from the deleted file, that it still exists in your Permanent Record? Not that it matters because I have nothing to hide, I just wondered.

The thing is, why would anybody want to make any kind of record of something wrong that they did? The first time I remember that happening was with Nixon and those Watergate tapes. The right wing nuts with whom I was associating at the time believed that Nixon either was unaware of the tapes or was powerless to stop them, but they were just paranoid. So what's the opinion of my esteemed colleagues? Why would Nixon, or anybody, deliberately produce material evidence that could be used against them? I seem to remember hearing on the news some years ago that some guys killed some people in a drive by shooting spree. They might have gotten away with it too, if they hadn't videotaped the whole thing and posted it on You Tube. Closer to home, decades ago, there were some guys from nearby Onaway who were driving down a woods road with parts of an illegally taken deer in their trunk, incorrect license plates on the car, a burned out tail light, no valid driver's license, and no proof of insurance. I don't remember if they had open intoxicants in the car, but that might have explained their actions. Anyway, the road was narrow, so they pulled over to let an approaching car get by them. When they saw that it was a DNR (conservation) officer, they decided to turn around, catch up with him, run him off the road, and moon him out the side window as they went by. They were subsequently apprehended......Duh!

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