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Monday, July 3, 2017

the fourth of july

Well my bags are packed.  I'm ready to go.  The grey dog is huffing a far piece down the road.  Oh gennelmens of The Institute I hate to go.

Not really, I am glad to go.  It means a couple days of brats and beers and friends of my youth.  Ah, friends of one's youth.

Once upon a time there was a tavern
Where we used to raise a glass or two
Remember how we laughed away the hours
And think of all the great things we would do

Kind of a silly song I thought at the time, but I thought it had charm and and it had a rousing chorus, just the right beat to swing a beer glass to and look at the faces of friends, also waving their glasses up and down the bar.  It was kind of an old people's song.  Old people were always living in the past, thinking of this and that in the past, stuff that really didn't matter anymore, but oh how they would go on and on.

There is a brief sad little interlude, something about being older but no wiser, before the final rousing chorus, time for a bit of introspection, maybe the song was really about us, maybe sometime in the dim future we would be remembering that song, but then the chorus was back and the glasses were taken from the table and waved one more time in the air.

I'm going down to Champaign this morning.  I'll come back on Wednesday and Thursday I will be posting again.  So wave a glass my friends on the fourth on the northside and on the north edge of Michigan.

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