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Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Much Ado About Nothing

Why is it so hard to understand what I said about the investigation accomplishing nothing substantial? To my knowledge, nobody has yet been arrested and charged with a crime, which seems to me should be the whole purpose of the investigation. If that's not it, then what precisely is the whole purpose of the investigation? Have they even determined that a crime has been committed? If it's a crime to try to influence an election or to post fake news on the internet, then there are a lot more people than the Russians or the Trumpists guilty of that. I suppose that computer hacking is a crime, but only if you do it for an illegal purpose like identity theft, or scamming people out of their money. It's probably illegal to access government or corporate secrets but, if they don't want their secrets hacked, then they shouldn't put them on the internet. Everybody knows that you can't keep anything a secret on the internet. The comparison I drew with Inverness Township's sewers is because, like this investigation, they wasted all their resources just studying the sewers instead of constructing them. They finally did install their sewers, but it took them several decades. I'm sure that some of the citizens who initially voted for the sewers did not live long enough to see them installed. I hate to say it, but the three of us are no spring chickens. If they hope to take any real action on this Russian thing in our lifetimes, they'd better get cracking.

Here's a little diversion to keep us occupied until that happens: A 22 year old Ann Arbor man was arrested Sunday for chasing sea gulls while naked on a public beach in nearby Petoskey. According to witnesses, the man also jumped onto a paved parking lot as if he were diving into water. After being treated for his injuries at a local hospital, the man was jailed for disorderly conduct, resisting police, and indecent exposure. Other charges might be pending because the police believe that the guy "may have consumed LSD earlier in the day". Now that's something worth investigating!

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