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Wednesday, July 12, 2017

The White Shadow distances Himself

Damn I was looking forward to putting that Russians Are Coming movie into my queue, but Old Dog proclaims it flat and dull, and I am going to take him at his word.  So many of those movies of that time were incurious and formulaic.

I am surprised that my colleagues are so bored by that Russian thing as they dismissively call it.  To me it's like fireworks and to them it is like nothing going on.  And now it appears that we have a smoking gun with Son O Trump's emails.  Whenever there has been another damning piece of evidence I have switched over from the indignant and gleeful CNNers, to Foxworld where it is another sunny day in America which is getting greater in its greatness every day in every way, but this time even they were doubtful, with some of them even showing signs of irritation.

And it's not just that the Russians fucked with our election, it's that they did so with the cooperation of the guy running for president who is now rewarding them by trying to eliminate the sanctions against them and just generally being their international toady.

Stuxnet was sent to screw the centrifuges of Iran.  Remember Iran, the great satan of the mideast?  It looked like the reps were going to go full bore at them, but now that has sort of sputtered out.

I'm no engineer, but it seems likely that a sockslider, maybe with the addition of some adapter, could easily become an asswiper.  Was that an old folk's channel that Colombo was on?  Watching the Foxies in stunned amazement as they seemed to recognize the same world that I lived in, I caught some commercials for gold, but the one that surprised me a little was for some device that could freeze dry all the delicious meals that you cook, because who wouldn't want a year or two's worth of delicious freeze dried foods stocked amongst the board games in their bunker?

I think Beagles may be wrong about all this talk not leading to action, because I recall Nixon boarding that helicopter.  He is right about the twenty second clip though, it is annoying the way they play it over and over.  And when they have the talking heads in the foreground and the clip in the loop in the background it sets my teeth on edge.

But whither hence with the probes?  Does anybody not think that it is going to lead eventually to the pistol in the short fingered hand?  But what then?  I think the regular reps would dearly love to be rid of this guy and most of the Trumpists are only on the train for their own advantage and would have no problem jumping off and dusting themselves off and pretending that they were never on the train.  And remember the White Shadow?  He is quietly edging himself away from the Donald, don't stand, don't stand, don't stand so close to me.

But what of the proud deplorables, the mad 35 percent?  Do the reps want to be seen killing off their god?  I just don't know, let me tune into CNN to see what they think.

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