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Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Russkies love that freehold marmalade.

Well apparently I need not worry about the Red Menace and their Republican allies sneaking up on the freehold on a dark and moonless night.  Beagles has already invited them in, well the Russkies, the Republicans, ever docile in the face of a conquering power, are standing outside holding their hats, not wanting to get in the way in the crowded kitchen where Beagles bustles about distributing steaming cups of coffee and fresh doughnuts, threading his way through the Kalashnikovs leaned casually against the kitchen chairs.  "So," he inquires brightly, "I understand you guys aren't commies anymore, just gangster totalitarians, welcome to the freehold.  Would you like some of this marmalade?  How about  meddling with our elections?  That whole thing about democracy, about voting, it's not that big a deal.  Our Republican buddies are even now working to knock Americans who are likely to vote against them off the polls.  Do take whatever doughnuts you don't finish back out to them.  They will eat right out of your hand."

Sometimes I think that whatever radio or tv Beagles gets the news over is maybe being blocked by the Russkies the way they used to block The Voice of America, not that Beagles would mind since they aren't commies anymore, and that Putin guy seems a lot like a thinner, more manly (longer fingers one supposes), less hairy, Trump.  And even though Beagles turns up his nose (don't beagles have a great sense of smell?) at Trump, he likes most everything Trump is doing, which ok, is not a hell of a lot outside of undoing Obama's executive orders, so he is kind of a little caboose trailing behind the Trump train and glad for the ride.

All the experts, all the dems, all the independents, most of the republican party, most of Trump's cabinet, pretty much everybody except for that inner circle of Trumpsters, the Bannons and that Conway woman (typing this I wish I had a less acute sense of smell) and Trump believe the Russians are meddling in out elections.  I guess now we can admit Beagles into that elite circle of those who don't..

And I guess Beagles hasn't heard that this is all being taken to court.  There's cagey Mueller, the house and senate committees, sundry other committees, and I am sure there are lawsuits and whatnot.  Is Beagles aware that Trump obstructed the investigations by firing Comey, and sending that clown Nunes on a keystone kops errand?  It's like five days into a trial and no verdict yet, we might as well let the guy go and shut up about it because nothing is proved yet.

And shut up about it?  Is that the American Way?  Why listen to the news when you can watch the same stuff you watched forty years over and over again through the magic of dvds?

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