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Friday, July 28, 2017

and what rough beast, its hour come at last, slouches towards Washington to be born

Yar, I'm with Old Dog.  If you stopped an investigation because they didn't  find anything yet, no investigation would last longer than a day.  And the idea that there is no smoke from this fire is (cough) ludicrous.  Just now listening to an interview of some Trumpists on NPR, they have totally bought into the fake news thing and get their news only from Fox, Limbaugh and Laura Ingraham (always got her mixed up with the Little House on the Prairie woman) and that guy who claims that Sandy Hook was fake.  And now they are abandoning Fox because it has become too liberal.

It's true, I've noticed it to my astonishment.  A few of the Foxies have stepped out of the fog since Little Donnie got his teat caught in Boris and Natashska's wringer, and now they are openly saying, you know maybe there is something to this while their unreconstructed brethren shift uneasily in their chairs wondering are we allowed to say this.  Fox, the new liberal media, what will take it's place?  Why isn't there a Trump channel?  Why are we allowed only fleeting tweets from the mouth of this great man?

And speaking of mouths, how about that Mooch?  Holy Shit (did I say shit?  I meant to say Holy sucking your own fucking cock cock blocking fucking shit piss ass cunt)  I wonder if Trump used You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet as one of his strutting out onto the stage songs.  That totally outrageous tweet about kicking the transgenders out of the army had just come through and the good liberal pundits and even some conservatives were settling down before their keyboards to express their outrage and then along slouches Da Mooch.

I've heard him described as a mini me, but maybe he is like a super me, he makes Donald seem mild and measured.  Is this something Donald will like, or will he feel he is being upstaged?  I'd say we shall have to wait and see, but I'm sure something unimaginable at this time will arise to sweep this matter into the dust and we will be shaking our heads and saying just yesterday we thought nothing could be more outrageous than Da Mother Fucking Cock Sucking Mooch.  How young and naive we were then.

You know I've long thought that if you had some secret information you didn't want to get out that it would behoove you to put it in a standalone computer like Old Dog describes but I didn't think anybody did that,  Who is that has this system?

I think sleep apnea and peanut allergies have been around forever.  I did read that about sperm counts. I think a lot of Russkies are nuts about Putin, the way a lot of Americans are nuts about Trump.  How come they get the relatively dignified prez?

I remember those aptitude tests.  In one of them there was this little booklet where there would be pictures of some guy playing the trumpet, another one sawing a board, and another one cooking up a pot of spaghetti, and you chose which would you like the best, the next best, and least.  I always liked the guy playing the trumpet or piano or drums and the recommendation was that I become a musician even though at the age of seven I had flunked out of piano accordion school.

I was on a jury once. It lasted several weeks and I was totally impressed with my fellow jurors.  There were two or three layabouts who sulked in their seats waiting for the damned thing to be over, but the rest of us paid attention, argued logically, and never insulted each other.  We were a Norman Rockwell painting in the Saturday Evening Post come to life.  I wonder if that can still happen in these days of Trump.

If she was leaving at noon I wonder how much Beagles's niece ever learned in her home schooling.  Sure once you learn to read you can read anything you like, but what if you don't like history or science so you never learn either?  How can you become a good citizen if you don't know nothing?  Oh, I forgot, this is the brave new world.

Speaking of which it's about time for the morning tweets, but anymore Trump's tweets are just weak beer compared to the white lightning of Da Mooch,

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