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Wednesday, February 5, 2020

What Failure?

I'm not sure that I understand the failure of the liberal agenda that Uncle Ken has been talking about.  Haven't you guys gotten pretty much everything you wanted over the years?  There have been periodic setbacks from time to time, but those are to be expected in any long term endeavor.  

I don't remember the 50s as being all that rosy, maybe I was too young to appreciate it, but I remember the 60s as being much better.  There was certainly more troubling news on the national and international scene in the 60s than there was in the 50s but, for some reason, it didn't bother me nearly as much.  One reason might be that I was too busy to watch a lot of TV in the 60s, and I was too preoccupied with my own issues to worry about everybody else's.  

I got out of Chicago just in time to miss the worst of the racial conflicts.  I didn't leave for that reason, it just worked out that way.  My parents had moved to the suburbs by the time I got out of the army in March of '67, but I spent some time visiting my old city friends.  They talked about it some, but it didn't impact me because I no longer lived there.  I was living in Cheboygan by June.  There were several riots downstate that summer, and I knew some people in the National Guard who were sent to quell them, but they didn't talk about it much after they came home.  Shortly afterwards, we started getting White refugees from the cities.  It looked like they were going to over run the place for awhile but, after the initial surge, our population stabilized in the 70s and, last I heard, it was actually declining.  That's a good thing as far as I'm concerned.

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