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Tuesday, February 25, 2020

I'm Again' It

Whether or not it's a big deal is a subjective judgment.  One guy's big deal is another guy's small potatoes.  I think we can agree that it would be a bigger deal if there were millions of them, but that's a relative thing.  We have already agreed that Trump is a lying sack o' shit, so his input is irrelevant.

How we got started on this track was I expressed an opinion that it was better if more people were allowed to vote than less people, but I drew the line at illegal immigrants being allowed to vote, like I had heard they were doing in California.  At that point I had nothing to back that claim up except a vague memory that I had heard it somewhere.  My search for confirmation led to discover that it was only in San Francisco's school board elections, not the whole State of California's elections.  Nevertheless, my assertion that illegal immigrants were being allowed to vote in California was confirmed.  Not only that, but they were being allowed to vote in several communities in Maryland, which was new information to me.  It seems the matter has also been debated in Chicago and New York City but, last I heard, it hasn't happened yet.

Be that as it may, it is still my opinion that illegal immigrants should not be allowed to vote.  This opinion is derived largely from the fact that they are, by definition, illegal immigrants.  They are not supposed to be here in the first place and, if they were not here, this issue would not have been raised.  If you want to change my opinion, you will need to come up with at least one good reason why illegal immigrants should  be allowed to vote.  Of course there is no guarantee that you will win me over, but it would be a starting point for discussion.

Remember Alligator Joe Walsh?  I considered voting for him in the primary, but now I'm pretty sure that I will vote for Bill Weld.  This article didn't change my mind, but it raises a good point.

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