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Tuesday, February 25, 2020


The fact that some illegal immigrants are voting in local elections in some parts of California is no big deal.  When you proclaimed, without qualification  I would draw the line at allowing illegal immigrants to vote like I heard they are doing in California  That sounds like a big deal.  In fact it sounds a lot like what this guy has been saying all  along

Back in the day along Telegraph Avenue and in Sproul Plaza in Berkeley the talk was all about revolution, not if, but when.  Young idiots like myself would stop in front of some pamphlet strewn card table and jaw for hours.  It was hip to be a lefty.  The New Left they called it.  The old left was kind of stodgy and with our brand new (because newer was always better) brand we would clear away all that baggage and bring in the, well, revolution, 

Well that never happened.  After refusing for the Hump in 1968, I found myself working for McGovern in 1972.  I had become a stodgy democrat.  But I still had visions of the glory of the revolution, sweep away all the bad old shit and build the shining new world.  Sort of like The Liberal Agenda but at a much faster pace and not so much convincing people to do the right thing as making them do it, because we would have all the power.  This did not come up much among the stodgy dems so I generally just favored the more lefty of the candidates and did not give it a whole lot of thought.

And then came Bernie.  I voted for him in the primary, but I worried.  Could he win the general election> I have to say that I was a little relieved when the big girl got the nomination because I thought she was more electable. Afterwards there was some talk about whether or not Bernie could have won.  After all didn't he have the power to stir men's souls?  I know I've said a thousand times that I don't like stirring up men's souls, but maybe, if it helps to win an election, an election against Donald Trump, well maybe it would be worth the risk.

And here he is again.  And leading the pack. I'm taking a closer look at him and not liking so much what I see.  I don't like the righteousness, and he seems pretty rigid.  Why doesn't he just drop this socialism thing and call himself a democrat?  Is just words after all, doesn't he want to win?

Polls say most democrats are moderates but they are divided between Joe, Pete, and Amy.  And with my darling Elizabeth fading Bernie has the progressive lane to himself.  Now the moderates are looking on in alarm, how can they stop Bernie?  They are looking to a brokered convention and super delegate shenanigans and in my mind a mess.  They say Bernie can't win, but I wonder what kind of chance a moderate who is seen as having stolen the election from The People can have?  I say let's just cross our fingers and go with the Bern. 

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