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Friday, February 21, 2020

uncle Bloomy

The way 'the rumor' got started is some sack o shit told a lie and that enabled somebody else to say well they heard it,  There are things like 4chan and qanon that just churn out bullshit then organs like FOX pick them up, and knowing it's a lie so they can't actually come out and repeat it, they say something like it's been widely reported, and this is where Trump gets his news.  Also some of it leaks out into the main stream through disreputable columnists in your local paper or maybe letters to the editor.  Beagles's newsfeed, msn, seems pretty truthful as does lamestream network news, so I blame that local paper, probably not its local news but columnists like that Marc Theissen character, and maybe letters to the editor.

I used to write letters to the editor.  A few got published, but not nearly enough considering a lot of the half-assed, poorly written, ones that did get published and I eventually I stopped offering.  But you know every now and then I think I write something pretty good in the Beaglestonian and maybe I could excerpt that out and email it to the letters to the editor.  It's so much easier now that I can cut and paste it out of my post and send it off, it's not like I have to hunt up a stamp and an envelope and march out on that long trek of two or three blocks to mail it.  Of course that makes it easier for everybody else too so there is a lot of competition.

I'm glad to see Beagles using Snopes.  That's my first step when something doesn't pass the smell test.  Naturally the Trumpists have labelled it fake news.

Before the debate I had a pretty benign view of this Bloomberg character.  He was running all these ads against Trump and I believe he said he would fund the dems even if he didn't win the nomination.  His rising in the polls was somewhat disturbing, I didn't like the idea that my ilk could so easily be bought by some fat cat, but still maybe he could beat Trump.  His performance at the debate changed all that.  He was certainly not the smiling Uncle Bloomy of the commercials, he was just some rich prick.  And now this:

In short Bernie is the front runner and it looks like he will be for awhile to come, and this makes some dems nervous, myself a little too.  Like why doesn't he just dump the word socialist?  It's just a word and means different things to different people.  Would he rather be a president or be a socialist for Chrissake? If he comes into the convention with most of the delegates he wins the nomination, but he could come in with more delegates than anybody else but not a majority and this is something Bloomy is aiming to make so and then he has some, dubious in my mind, plan where the other candidates could give him some of their delegates and he could beat Bernie and take the nomination.  Bad news, bad news, hope the bad guy goes away.

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