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Wednesday, August 28, 2019

We Were Warned

Way back in the 1950s we were warned that, if we didn't bring global population growth under control, Mother Nature would do it for us, and it wasn't going to be pretty.  Europe and North America generally heeded that warning.  The rest of the world, not so much.  Red China made a stab at it in their own heavy handed way but, last I heard, it wasn't working out for them.  With couples being limited to one child, many have been aborting their first child if the ultra-sound indicates that it's going to be female.  This has resulted in a shortage of marriageable young women, so the Chinese men have taken to importing wives from other third world countries, reducing the effectiveness of the one child policy on total population growth.  Meanwhile, Europe and North America are being over run with third world immigrants, reducing the effectiveness of their own birth control efforts.

Those fires in the Rain Forest are directly attributable to over population you know.  The old slash and burn system wasn't much of a problem when only the indigenous locals were doing it.  Some experts say that it even helped the Rain Forest regenerate by clearing out small patches in it, making way for new growth.  Then, about the time we were all being warned about over population, Brazil decided to relieve the pressure in it's teeming urban slums by encouraging their people to move out into, what was then, untracked wilderness.   Well, it's not untracked anymore, is it.  If they keep making babies like there's no tomorrow, it's only a matter of time until the whole Rain Forest is one big teeming slum.   Where are all those extra people going to go next?  Venezuela has been depopulating recently, but that's because it has gone Communist.  Lots of luck trying to make a living there.  I suppose they could try to come to North America, but they would have to wait in line behind the hungry hordes from Central America that are already turning it into another teeming slum like the one they left behind.

Like I said, it's still early yet and I haven't made up my mind about my presidential vote next November.  Uncle Ken may be right that Trump will win the nomination, and I will be faced with the choice of either him or the Libertarian candidate.  One thing I'm pretty sure is that I will never vote for another Democrat unless George Wallace rises from the dead.

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