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Monday, August 5, 2019

Moving along

I watched that video about the Japanese painter and I wasn't that impressed.

Fair enough, but I chose that example becuse of its simplicity.  His other videos are far from rote and show great skill, in my opinion.  If you haven't yet, check out these videos of an old guy, a standing woman, and a staple of YouTube videos everywhere, a kitty cat.


I wonder what Old Dog's hood was like growing up.

A lot like it is now, surprisingly stable and well maintained with little or no ethnic drama.  It has a varied mix of housing with mostly brick 2-flats, some single-family frame houses, a 3-flat here and there, with 3-story courtyard buildings on the street corners.  A couple of bungalows too, but not many.  The neighborhood has recovered from the loss of trees due to the longhorned Asian beetle and there is plenty of shade.  I don't know what the crime stats are like but I suspect they are low; I haven't heard much about any crime in the area and I'm now living only a few blocks away.

There were a lot of kids in the neighborhood, all part of the baby boomer generation, like a lot of Chicago neighborhoods and solidly middle class.  I'm sure some folks were much better off financially than others but it was never an issue; class distinctions didn't make it on our radar.  We never saw any cops unless some biddy was complaining about our softball games in the alley when a ball landed in her yard (an automatic out).  The cops would show up, tell us to go play in the park a half mile away, and then leave us alone.  By the time the cops showed up we were tired of playing ball anyhow so it was no big deal.  But we were all kids.  When we got older (teenagers) we played touch football in the street and never had the cops called on us.  We were what is now called "free range" kids, and it was good.


Beagles's informal survey of organ sizes, and I'm surprised he didn't get popped in the noggin for his lab work, is incorrect.  Google it anywhere.

So, who are you going to believe, Google or your own lying eyes?  I have to agree with Mr. Beagles on this one.  Some things you couldn't help but notice but you might get smacked, or worse, if you stared.  It may have been a topic of idle conversation but in the final analysis I don't think anyone cared one way or the other.


I guess the news cycles will be preoccupied with the recent shootings and then we'll move onto something else; our attention spans keep getting shorter.  It wasn't that long ago that the Panama Papers were a big deal, and so was the Steele Dossier.  What happened, is there a media black hole that these stories end up in?   I fear that the Mueller Report and the Epstein shenanigans will all end up nowhere, forgotten while the scoundrels continue on their merry way.  There is nothing to see here, citizen.  Move along.

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