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Thursday, August 15, 2019

One Shot - One Deer

It was a long time ago that my dad told me they were licensing gun owners in Illinois.  In those days, the principal debate was about gun registration.  My ilk was against it because it was believed that would make it too easy, comes the revolution, for the Gestapo to go from house to house collecting everybody's guns to prevent us from mounting a counter revolution and taking our country back.  The Illinois thing was supposed to be a compromise, they would know who owned guns, but they wouldn't know how many or where they were stashed.  Sometime after that, I believe it was 1968, a federal law was passed that required licensed firearms dealers to record the guns they sold along with the names and addresses of the purchaser.  This was de-facto gun registration, but only for new purchases from licensed dealers.  I don't remember the background checks being instituted at that time, I think that came later, but again, it only covered new purchases from licensed dealers.  The current debate today is about extending the background check and registration law to all firearm sales, including those between private citizens.  I don't know how they intend to enforce that, but I thought that one way might be to license gun owners like they used to do in Illinois.

Semi-autos are popular with many hunters, but I suppose we could live without them.  The idea is that, if you miss your target, you get an immediate chance to try again.  This works better with small game, particularly birds, which are usually shot on the fly with a shotgun, than it does on deer, which are usually hunted with rifles.  Most deer hunters will try to get a standing shot if they can and, if you miss the first shot, you will likely miss your follow up shots because now the deer is bounding away.  There is an old Indian saying: "One shot - one deer.  Two shots - maybe one deer.  Three shots - no deer."  Be that as it may, I will never vote for a candidate who wants to ban semi-autos.  It is generally believed by many gun owners that, if we let them ban one kind of gun, they will just want to ban another kind of gun next.  Eventually we will be down to bows and sling shots, and then they will ban them as well.  Many anti-gun people are also anti-hunting people and vice versa.  I have read, in their own literature that, if guns are banned, hunting will become less popular and, if hunting is banned, there will be no excuse for private citizens to own guns, which is their ultimate goal.

I heard on the TV news this evening that, according to a recent poll, 63% of the people believe that Trump will be re-elected, up from 44% a few weeks ago.  I noticed that they didn't ask how their subjects intended to vote, just if they believed that Trump would be re-elected.  They went on to say that many of their subjects said that they didn't like Trump as a person, but they liked some of the things he is trying to accomplish.  Silly me, I thought I was the only one.

Speaking of Trump, is it possible that he reads our blogs?  I have been saying this for a long time you know:  

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