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Friday, August 2, 2019

friday, friday

I am puzzled that Beagles is not interested in the content of the Mueller Report.  Basically he is saying that he doesn't care what Trump did or did not do, that he is Beagles's guy and can count on him to pull the lever for his orangeness in the swing state of Michigan in 2020, likewise the continuing evidence of his coziness with Putin does not bother him at all.

What if the Mueller report had said there was collusion, would that have swayed Beagles?  I think not.  If a guy who tries to rob a bank but fails, is not considered a criminal, why would he be a criminal if he succeeded?   How about even Moscow Mitch refusing to pass a pill to protect our elections from being interfered with by Russkies?  I reckon that does not bother him a whit.  How far Beagles has come from his Bircher days.  I guess what he didn't like was home grown Commies, but if they are actual Russkies, and pals with his Prez, there is no problem there.

Even if the house impeaches there is no way that 20 republican will vote to remove him from office so there is no way he is going to be removed by 2020.  And even if he was removed there is no Republican that would have a better chance of winning the election than Trump.  Would Beagles rather vote for another Republican?  Who?  What doesn't he like about Trump?

I had thought that race was a scientific term defined by species that could reproduce with each other, but by that rubric Whites and Blacks and Heathen Chinee would clearly be of the same race.  But race is actually a social construct, that is just something we made up.  The idea that each race was very different was popularly held up until maybe the 20's.  By the 50's it was completely debunked in that there was no more difference between a white and black man than there was between a white and black cat.  .

Beagles's informal survey of organ sizes, and I'm surprised he didn't get popped in the noggin for his lab work, is incorrect.  Google it anywhere.  I don't know why Beagles didn't do this, it only took me like two minutes, but we have been over this territory before. 

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