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Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Words Failed Me

"When Beagles discovers the busboy at his local eatery has a long and drooping mustache and is secretly replacing all the ketchup with bottles of salsa then I will start worrying about the invasion." - Uncle Ken

I didn't respond to this yesterday because I didn't know what to say.  I seem to remember that he has mentioned busboys when the subject of illegal immigration came up in the past.  What's up with that?  Is he trying to imply that most illegals end up meekly working low paying jobs and not causing any trouble?  On the other hand, Trump and his ilk say that they are a bunch of low life criminals that are infesting the country like a plague.  Although all I know about it is what I have picked up in the news media, I suspect that the truth lies somewhere in between those two extreme positions. 

While everybody is arguing about building walls, nobody seems to be talking about fixing the asylum law, which was never designed to handle the volume of cases that they are currently getting.  The system was overwhelmed at least once in the past, when the Mariel Boat Lift brought all those refugees from Castro's Cuba but, other than that, I don't remember ever hearing about problems like they are having with it today until fairly recently.  Has it occurred to anybody that what we need is a different system?  

I enjoy reading and writing stories about those thrilling days of yesteryear as much as the next guy, but I think we at the Institute would be remiss in our civic duty if we limited our discussions to ancient history.   The movers and shakers of today seem to be lost in the darkness of ignorance and incompetence.  It is up to us to illuminate the path to truth and righteousness for them.  If we don't do it, who will? 

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