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Sunday, March 31, 2019


So the big report comes out and Mueller is playing it very close to the vest, not coming to any conclusions about the collusion confusion. It reminds me of situations when the authorities know a culprit is guilty as sin but choose not to pursue the case because they don't think that they can get a conviction with 100% certainty at this time.  They can sit back and wait, sooner or later the bad guy will say or do something stupid and that will be that and justice will be served.  We're still a long way from the end of this story and Trump isn't out of the woods yet.


I'm as much of a fan of the rule of law as the next guy but I have a question for Mr. Beagles: should there be some wiggle room in the enforcement of the law?  The police and the courts have a lot of discretion but how can the law be fairly enforced?

Immigration policy in the US is all screwed up and what else can I say?  Some laws and policies get a life of their own and once enacted they are difficult to change and repeal.  The big flap is about the caravans and the problems they pose and we shouldn't be farting around while the issues are being addressed.  But what about the lesser flaps that involve the temporary visas that allow workers in the high tech sectors?  Aren't those workers, many from Asia, taking jobs from US citizens because they will work more cheaply?  There's some kind of unholy alliance between immigration policy and big business in the US and I'd like to see it get straightened out.


Since you guys are a few years older than me I was wondering if you've noticed that certain foods no longer agree with you or that your appetite has changed.  I've been off my feed lately and seldom feel hungry regardless of how little I've eaten.  I don't mind that I've lost some weight; I read somewhere that it's healthier to be a skinny old coot than a fat one but that sounds like a crackpot theory to me.

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