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Tuesday, August 22, 2017

That's entertainment

I have long believed that all those demonstrators, no matter what their cause, are more than a little funny in the head.

I'm not sure about that, but I think they are easily manipulated.  How are those events organized, and where do they find the participants?   They may think they are supporting a worthy cause but I doubt there is any real effect or positive gain from their efforts.  And who is funding all this nonsense?   There are wheels within wheels, and somebody is paying for it.  The Koch brothers?  George Soros?  The Mercer family?  The  banking "Gnomes of Zurich?"  Oh, it could be anybody, I suppose.  Could be some of Putin's money is behind the demonstrations, or a small chunk of the Google billions.  Unless we follow the strings we will never know who is pulling them.


Speaking of following strings, there hasn't been much news about any of the ongoing investigations, except for an item I mentioned to Uncle Ken at the last seminar.  One of Mueller's top notch investigators from the FBI has left the team.  He wasn't transferred back to his old FBI position as a lead investigator but was given a job in HR, Human Relations.  This is not an upward or lateral transfer.  They stick guys in HR when they don't know what to do with them or there is some issue to resolve, kind of like a holding company.  One of the more interesting theories I've read states that it may involve leaks to Rudy Giuliani last year, and could possibly have something to do with Comey's ill-timed announcement last October regarding Hillary Clinton.  Peter Strzok is the agent in question, and the wheels keep turning.

Then we have the departure from Team Trump of Carl Icahn, noted billionaire and weasel, just before a revealing article was published that outlined his efforts to strike a special deal for his financial advantage.

Washington, D.C. is no longer a center of government; it has become an Entertainment Mecca.  I'ts like following a real-time Sopranos or House of Cards, and anything can happen.  All that is lacking is a villain lurking in the shadows, just waiting for the chance to tie a fair young maiden to the railroad tracks.  But give it time.


The next eclipse is in April, 2024, and the path is much closer to Chicago and Cheboygan but I'm not making any plans yet.

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