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Tuesday, August 1, 2017

more poetry

Last night I watched Plan 9 from Outer Space and I loved it, so crappy special effects wouldn't  bother me at all.  As a matter of fact I studiously avoid movies touted for their special effects, usually it just means more bang bang of which I am not a fan.  I generally like a movie that is odd, but not one that is straining to be odd just to be odd.  I think I'll put it on my queue but at the bottom where movies sometimes ascend to the top.  Midnight  Express is currently at number 3.

I followed Old Dog's link and it was all anecdotal, except for at the end of it the survey was cited, except the survey was by The National Home Education Research Institute.  Sure they can be trusted.  I'm surprised they only had 37%.  Why not 370, 3,700?  So off to the google and most of the results were from home schooling advocates whose percentages varied widely.  But among them was an entry that put it all into perspective, most of these studies are based on standardized tests like you take when you go to college.  So only the best achieving of the home schoolers take those tests while most everybody in public schools are urged to take them.  The sample is way skewed.

And again there are all kinds of home schooling, in some of them there is no schooling, in many of them the parents feel that nothing but the bible is worth learning about, but I am sure there is such a thing as responsible home schooling like Beagles' niece apparently went through.  What percentage of home schooling is responsible I don't know and I've already done my Internets research for the morning.  I still have the socialist objection to it, but I am a liberal and if that's what people want to do (responsibly) then it is a free country.

Beagles has a good point about time spent waiting.  Waiting does eat a lot of time.  I'd hand out some worksheet that should take a half hour and five minutes later some little wizenheimer would thrust his hand in the air, "All done Mr Schadt, what should I do now?"  Why you little...  Anyway plenty of inefficiencies in mass education, and everything is kind of dumbed down and has all the interesting edges rounded to blandness and boringness,.  So maybe responsible home schooling is okay.

I was not aware that there was a dance music guy called Da Mooch.  You know Da something is way overused, but it seemed to go so well with Mooch.  Dance music, don't  get me started.  Oh and the name comes from a stock character in olden Italian comedy.

But anyway he is gone, gone, gone, solid gone.  And like all the other Trump fire-ees he leaves singing sweet songs about Donald,  Do you think he makes them sign something like he does with his employees where they can never ever for the rest of their lives ever say anything bad about him or his loathsome family?

Speaking of Shakespeare I am reminded of Ms Stark whose third semester English class Beagles and I shared.  I remember she made us memorize lines from Shakespeare, which at the time I hated but now I am glad that I can go on and on about the quality of mercy being not strained.  She also made us memorize the punctuation (was that a comma or a semi colon?) which I still think was kind of stupid, not to mention semi colons themselves, but don't get me started on that.

Hmmph I see where my Yeats recommendations have fallen on deaf ears, and I was prepared to move you guys on to Gerard Manly Hopkins.

I caught this morning's minion
Kingdom of daylight's dauphin
Dabble dawn drawn falcon
In his riding of the rolling level underneath him steady air.

Hot stuff huh?

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