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Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Still in the center ring

I don't think there is one central authority that organizes and funds protest demonstrations.

I don't disagree but I think there are many "puppet masters" pulling the strings.  My guess is that there are some big money guys who like to play the game of social manipulation to, eventually, make more money or gain more power.  I don't think they care one way or the other about the issues involved as long as it furthers their financial interests.  It can't be a coincidence that for every demonstration there is usually another group counter demonstrating.  I find it fishy, especially when you see so many commercially produced protest signs, T-shirts, and caps.  Maybe I'm reading too much into this and there is simply a booming cottage industry in the production and sale of "protest paraphernalia," capitalism at it's best.


I understand that he used to host a TV show where all he ever did was fire people, so maybe he thinks that's what he's supposed to do now.

He needn't bother.  There are enough people bailing out on their own that he won't be left with anyone except for a handful of generals, family members, and the crew from Goldman Sachs.

I wonder how long the Republican Party will continue to put up with Trump as he is obviously not a party loyalist.  It's like he is pandering solely to an imaginary third party of his true believers and doing nothing for anyone else.  It's far too early for him to be campaigning for reelection in 2020, but there it is.  He loves the adulation of his crowds, especially when he goes off topic and ignores the teleprompter.  This circus is not leaving town.


It was interesting to see that Trump, in addition to leaning on Comey and Sessions to stifle the Russian investigation, is pissed at Mitch McConnell for not doing more to help him out of that jam.  It's almost as if he has something to hide.

I don't know about you guys, but I have seldom required the services of a lawyer.  If I heard that I was under investigation for something I would probably shrug my shoulders and carry on as usual.  Why hire a lawyer before you are in legal trouble unless you are in a beef with someone else?  It doesn't make sense to me but it would be a different story if I knew I did something that wasn't quite legal.  The statute of limitations is a good thing, and I'll say no more except that alcohol may have been involved.

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