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Wednesday, August 30, 2017

pardon me boy, is that the planet Nibiru?

I just followed the lead of Old "The Factual Scourge" Dog.on the number of characters in Twitter.  I just knew it was a small number.

I'm not usually impressed with those stats like if you laid every raindrop head to tail you could form a chain to the Andromeda galaxy and back, but Beagles' Niagara Falls image impressed me.  Nine months, and to think Niagara Falls is estimated to be 12,000 years old, where has all that water gone?  Oh, the Atlantic Ocean, never mind.

Yar (I'm getting fond of the expression), "News dump," may be going the way of the buggy whip.  Back in the day, you'd hear from Uncle Walt (not  related) at five and then you wouldn't know much of what was going on in the world except for short snatches of radio news as you drove to the bar or to the beach until that fat Sunday paper hit your doorstep, and even then you would be distracted by the flood of adverts and the magazine and the funny papers, and wouldn't really get back into the swing of things until you opened your Sun-Times as you rode the Archer Express Monday morning.

Anymore we have our cable news and our electronic devices, but still most people tend to turn their news ears elsewhere over the weekend, CNN starts airing things like the story of Princess Di, Trump rarely tweets.  I noticed that Trump said that he tweeted that he pardoned Sheriff Joe at that time to get more media coverage because of the flood, but who knows about what he says or why,

Like why pardon Sheriff Joe?  I think most Americans don't like the guy so what does he gain?  And he hasn't even been sentenced, or appealed it  yet.  If I thought Trump was smart enough it may well have been as Beagles and many pundits have speculated a signal to his cronies that they can lie their asses off on the stand because like mercy, the Trumpian pardons will not be strained and will falleth like the gentle rain.  In any case it certainly has that effect.

And I think Beagles is right to compare the Newtownian physics of Watergate to the quantum foam of Trumpocalypse (not quite the term I want, but better than the bland Trumpgate) and, as someone who decries the 'new' science he shows an uncanny understanding of quantum foam, well as good as anybody, which is to say nobody.

I think in that smoke-filled (I believe the current situation has caused many a rep to take up the cig, and the bottle, and the glue rag, and what the hell crack cocaine) room the name of the White Shadow comes up more than once, if only they could somehow plug him into that black maw without  bringing down the wrath of the deplorables, still holding steady alas at 35, so until then, like Harvey, nothing moves.

Googling apocalypse to make sure I spelled it right I came across this.  Maybe Trump can pardon us all before this happens.


Well shit, I just published all that and went back to see if it turned out  ok (sometimes there is an odd space indention that appears when you publish) and I noticed those ellipses (-----) that are the pride and joy of Old Dog.  Well shit.  I guess I didn't catch the factual scourge in a falsehood.  Damn.  And now I understand the deft definition of quantum foam.  Very well Lads, carry on.  And be careful of Nibiru.

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