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Sunday, August 20, 2017

Carrying on

Well, I know where I'll be tomorrow around noon: checking out that eclipse.  It's not going to be the complete experience of totality that Uncle Ken will be enjoying, but it should still get noticeably darker according to the simulator at  For the folks in Cheboygan more than half of the sun will be blocked so it might be worth a look-see.  I'm not fiddling with any fancy glasses as I am a pinhole enthusiast, but all bets are off if it's cloudy.  It takes more than two and a half hours for the moon to do it's thing so I'll have plenty of time.


Uncle Ken has complained about us "dawgs having nothing to say about anything."  He's right, sort of.  I'm not in love with the sound of my own voice to the extent that I will spout off for the sake of saying something, anything.  Some things require thought and reflection, other things are not worthy of discussion, and very few things can be discussed at length.  That is a shortcoming of a written forum such as this; a five minute conversation can resolve issues that may take days in a written, back and forth, dialogue.  And more than once I have lost the original train of thought as I contemplate other issues in the well written missives.


I wanted to avoid the topic of the political and social shenanigans of the day, but I can't resist this one as it is in Mr. Beagles' bailiwick.  I see that Robert Ritchie, AKA "Kid Rock," is contemplating a run for the senate in Michigan as a Republican.  Any thoughts on this?

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