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Thursday, March 31, 2016

Trump over the transom

The subject of that brief shining moment when the dems controlled all three branches of government is often cited by republicans when they are accused of obstructionism.  If they couldn't pass something when they had that how can they accuse the reps of obstructionism?  The problem was blue dogs.  They had a few blue dogs that wouldn't go along for the ride, and every man jack of the reps was agin it.  If there were a few reps willing to cross the aisle we might have been able to get single payer.

Once single payer was off the table the insurance companies saw the opportunity to make quadrillions and put their mighty shoulders behind the wheel and got it passed. 

This is my general impression of what happened.  I don't remember the details. Was there one big vote or were there a series?  I think you will agree that it was fought every inch of the way by the reps.  They still vow to somehow repeal it though they have no plan as to what to replace it with.  And anymore they seem more interested in attacking each other's wives to even go after the big girl.

I think there are damn few whites who voted for Obama just because he was black.  The fact that he was black might have has some appeal to our rainbow inclinations, but I don't think any of the whites who voted for Obama would have voted for say, Herman Cain.

You know you can't have a decent political discussion these days without having something Trump said bounce in over the transom.  I refer of course to Donald wanting to punish women if they are caught getting abortions which would be illegal in a Trump regime.

The astonishing thing about this is that he walked it back just hours after saying it.  I don't believe he has ever done that before.  I was surprised to learn that the republicans are also against punishing the woman, it doesn't seem logically consistent if they consider abortion murder.  I've just done about five minutes of internet research but i couldn't find anything that Lyin' Ted said in response. 

Abortion hasn't been much of an issue in this primary.  I believe all the rep candidates have scorched earth policies.  There used to be a thing where this guy made an exception for rape and incest and maybe this one guy had an exception for rape but not incest, whereas the other guy had an exception for incest but not rape.  Opposition to Planned Parenthood has largely taken the place of that.  It's much easier to rant about defunding planned parenthood than to explain why a rapist's baby must be carried to birth. 

I'm probably talking about politics more than you would like, but it is on my mind almost all the time now, and I notice when I start talking to my friends the subject turns to politics in about five minutes.  Not much of a problem here in true blue Illinois where the only disagreement is between Bernie and the big girl and generally both are liked, and the conversation goes along the lines of it would be nice to have Bernie, but we can live with the big girl.

I would like to talk to a Trumpist.  I see them on the news shouting their inanities, but I would like to be able to actually question them, preferably over beers, an IPA would be nice but i suppose I could live with some yellow beer.

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