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Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Play it Again Sam

Actually, Bogart never said "Play it again Sam" in that movie, he just said "Play it Sam.", but most people remember it as "Play it again Sam."

It made sense to me when you said that the insurance lobby prevented Congress from even considering the single payer plan, but now you are saying that the Republicans were responsible for blocking it. How was that possible when the Democrats controlled both houses of Congress at the time? The Republicans did indeed try to prevent Obamacare from passing, but they were unsuccessful because they were in the minority. If they couldn't block Obamacare, how could they have been responsible for blocking the single payer plan?

Okay, some Blacks voted for Obama because he's Black, and some Whites voted against Obama because he's Black, but what about the Whites who voted for Obama because he's Black? What was that, liberal guilt?

At the time I moved here, Michigan auto insurance law was different from what they had in Illinois. If I remember correctly, you weren't actually required to have insurance in Illinois but, I you didn't and were in a wreck, your driver's license was suspended until all claims were settled. In Michigan you had to show proof of insurance or pay the $35 to get your license plate. The $35 went into a fund that covered the liability of uninsured motorists who were in a wreck. Then their driver's license was suspended until they repaid the fund for all expenses associate with the wreck. People used to call the $35 fee "state insurance", but it was not really insurance, it was a fee you paid for not having insurance. When no fault was passed, the Uninsured Motorist Fund was abolished. Since then, you have to show proof of insurance to get your plate, and also show it along with your driver's license and registration, to any police officer who stops you and asks for it. I don't think they can randomly stop people just to check those documents but, if they stop you for any other reason, the first thing they do is ask to see your driver's license, registration, and proof of insurance. You will be ticketed if you don't have any one of those documents in your possession.

The required no fault insurance only covers death and personal injury, along with property damage if you hit anything but another vehicle, it doesn't cover damages to your car. For that you need collision insurance, which is so expensive that most people don't carry it except when required by the bank that loaned them the money to buy the car. As soon as the car is paid off, they cancel their collision insurance because, by then, the car has depreciated to the point that it's not worth insuring anymore. Collision only covers you when you collide with another vehicle. If you want to hit a tree or a deer, you need comprehensive coverage, which also covers things like towing and cracked windows.

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