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Friday, March 25, 2016

If Willie Nelson was god

My friends all live south of me and they think I live in the frozen north, but you live in a whole nother country.  It was dark and cold and windy and rainy all day yesterday, and for less than an hour the rain turned to snow, the pie-eyed local weather folk gasped that it would be enough to turn the grass white.  But that was it, today it is supposed to reach 50. 

I've never heard of winter storms having names, maybe that's because we really don't have them here.  It gets cold enough I suppose, but we rarely have those paralyzing storms that leave the network weather guys gasping. 

Early winter storms can be kind of exciting, and middle winter storms are par for the course, but late winter storms are heartbreakers.  Oh fer Chrissake, enough is enough already.  Old man winter, who had gotten as far as the doorway, turns around and, well he has something more to say. Used to drive me nuts when I was a kid and got dragged off to some boring relative's house, and we were finally leaving, and maybe I was already in the car and I looked back and there were my folks and the boring relatives standing in the doorway, and talking, and talking, and talking.  Geez Louise.

Nice little story about the marriage of Beagles and Mz Hypothetical.  Nice of the congregants to bake you a cake, and they probably felt nice about themselves doing it.  The way a church should be in this atheist's opinion.

That was Pope John the Something, the liberal pope of the mid-sixties.  He made the priests speak in the local language and face their audiences.  The masses loved him, but the crusty types hated him.  If you know what the priest is saying how is that a religion?  After him, until this latest liberal pope that the masses love again, we have had a series of authoritarian, well dare I call them assholes?  Well I'm not catholic, and if I'm wrong about all this I am surely going to hell anyway, so they can hardly dig me in deeper,  Oh, thinking about it they probably can, but what the hell?

You know I had this vision once, where Willie Nelson was god.  Doesn't seem that far-fetched does it?  And when the time came for him to decide who gets to wear a halo and who goes into the fiery lake, he'd just say something like what the hell, some of you are assholes, but you are my assholes so you are all going to heaven.  And even then, I envisioned some of them, rising through the clouds, would be muttering that they weren't so sure that they wanted to go to heaven if those folks were going too.

You may be the only person in the country that liked the health system the way it was.  Trust me, almost everybody else hated it, for reasons i don't have time to get into now because it is Friday and my weekend awaits.  If the reps thought it was so great they should have campaigned on that.

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