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Monday, March 7, 2016

A Conspiracy of One

I think I've finally figured out what Trump is trying to do. He is trying to make the right wing nuts look bad by pretending to be one and then making a fool of himself. As you pointed out, Trump is too unreliable to be part of anybody's conspiracy, but that doesn't mean he can't be a whole conspiracy unto himself. I can only guess at his motivation. Maybe he is really a liberal at heart, some rich people are you know. Maybe he's got a thing for Hillary, or maybe he just doesn't like Cruz, who is the one he's hurting the most with his shenanigans. If Trump wasn't there, Cruz would be the solid front runner right now.

I don't care what They want me to do, I have decided to vote for Cruz because he has the best chance of beating Trump. As you have pointed out, all the Republican candidates have the same ideology, so the only difference is their personalities. Both Trump and Cruz have abrasive personalities, but that seems to be what is selling these days. Cruz at least is a true conservative, while Trump is a Trumpist pretending to be a conservative. Where was Trump for the last eight years while Cruz was in the trenches, stubbornly resisting everything that Obama was trying to accomplish? Trump harassed Obama about his birth certificate, but that's about it. I'm pretty sure that, if Cruz is elected, he will spend the first couple years of his term trying to undo all the damage that Obama has done. Trump, on the other hand, will be too busy building his wall and trying to round up all those illegals to bother with things like that.

I hear your man Bern is giving Hillary a run for her money. Good for him! I would like to see Bern run against Cruz. Then the voters would have a real choice for a change, and the wishy-washers would have no place to go.

I think all the candidates will still be on the ballot. The reason I say that is my man Rand has somehow gotten himself one delegate.While it is common to say a candidate has "dropped out of the race", the candidates themselves have been announcing that they "are suspending their campaign". If, by some miracle, they did win, I'm sure they wouldn't turn down the nomination.

I have never tried one of those e-cigarettes, but I don't remember why not. I think that, when they first came out, I wrote them off as some kind of gimmick, and now they're saying they're just as harmful to your health as the regular cigarettes. I smoke less than a pack a day and it doesn't seem to bother me. I suppose I would cough my lungs out if I tried to run a marathon, but that's never going to happen anyway.

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