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Wednesday, March 23, 2016

the phony anti-Trump and anti-Obamacare wars.

You know I don't know if it was ever thus, but back in the day, or in the movies anyway, the coots and geezers would gather in the morning in front of the courthouse, but i suppose it could be anywhere, and commence to whittling and gabbing till the sun came down.  Actually i remember looking forward to that when i was a tad, and I believe I even took a stab at whittling once or twice, without much success i admit, but then I don't think the aim of the gathering was to produce great art.  The one thing men hate to admit is that they love to gossip, well not towering intellects like ourselves, but maybe a little bit, and it's not gossip, it's discussion.

I think anymore it happens in McDonald's, or so their commercials seem to indicate, and I think i have observed such gatherings from time to time.  Surely there are a few McDonald's in Cheboygan where you could drop by, but then you don't drink coffee, and if they saw you drinking tea they would think you were a commie, or worse, a narc.  So I guess maybe we can't put that cub reporter card in your fedora.

I know a few people who like Obamacare, self-employed or out of work people who couldn't afford insurance before, and then there were all those people who were chained to jobs they hated because they were afraid to lose their insurance, and I don't know any offhand, but those with pre-existing conditions certainly like it.  Another reason the reps don't work seriously at dismantling Obamacare is that their constituents like it.

What do you care what the AMA thought then or now about homosexuality?  They are nothing but a bunch of establishment pin heads that your ilk has nothing but contempt for.  So are you saying that if your child was gay and wanted to marry their true love you would do everything you could to obstruct that?  Not a few fire-breathing right wingers have reversed their positions once they discovered that their kid was gay.

If it's all about not raising your taxes (like that awful Ronnie Reagan) or taking your guns, then why not vote for Trump?  He's not going do either.

Trump takes Arizona.  Bush wouldn't back Rubio when he dropped out.  Rubio hasn't backed Cruz since he dropped out, Kasich refuses to drop out.  Cruz won't hear of a deal where he is in a joint ticket with one of the other guys.  The anti Trump movement is like the anti Obamacare movement, a lot of sound and fury signifying nothing.

Meanwhile Bernie and the big girl huddle together chuckling and cackling thinking of raising your taxes and what the hell, prying Old Betsy out of your hands, and I hope that gay dog of yours is looking better every day.

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