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Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Another Great Idea!

I remember one year when all the garbage trucks in Chicago displayed big signs that said "Support Mayor Daley's Campaign For a Cleaner Chicago". My mother thought that it was unethical to use city owned garbage trucks for political advertising, but that's not what it was at all. See, the mayor was proud of his efforts to clean up the city, and he was trying to encourage everybody to pitch in and get the job done. I'm sure the fact that it was an election year had nothing to do with it. I don't think they had PACs in those days, but there must have been some kind organizations that raised money for political campaigns. Wouldn't it have been a nice gesture for Daley's team to actually buy a new garbage truck and donate it to the city? I'm sure, since they were paying for the truck, nobody would have had a problem if they hung a sign on it giving credit where credit was due.

Nowadays people are always complaining about our crumbling infrastructure, but they don't want to raise taxes to fix it. We have a program in Michigan called, "Adopt a Highway", where local clubs or even families go out a few times a year and pick up litter along a stretch of road, and a sign is placed along that stretch giving them credit for it. Why not expand the program to include construction and maintenance projects? ---- "The construction of the next ten miles of road financed by the Committee to elect John Doe for Governor", or "Pot holes patched courtesy of the Smith for Congress Coalition".

Of course you may be right about Trump. I have no proof, I was just speculating. Here is this guy with no political experience running for President of the United States. His only claim to fame is that he is rich and used to fire his employees on national television. He gets up in front of millions of people, insults the other candidates, generally makes a fool of himself, and people actually vote for him. It's like some famous guy once said, "Nobody ever went broke under estimating the taste of the American People."

I haven't heard the results of today's primaries yet. I understand that three or four other states besides Michigan were voting. According to our local TV news, Trump was way ahead in the polls as of yesterday, but they didn't know that I was voting for Cruz.

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