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Monday, November 30, 2020

End of November

Good post about the fat doe, Mr. Beagles, but this city slicker has a question: Why a folding knife and not a proper hunting knife with a sheath?  No judgement, just curious.  Being unable to close the knife seems a little scary to me especially in a field situation.

No hunting in my background, but plenty of time fishing and bonding with my spirit animal, the mosquito.  Nothing fancy, usually just sitting in a boat with a cane pole waiting for the little red and white bobber to bob.  Good times, but scaling and cleaning fish is not a task I enjoyed.


Another Thanksgiving Day is in the history book but the more I read about history I can see why some folks call it The Day of Mourning.  Anyhow, I felt like an outlaw in defiance of travel restrictions and went to my sister's home.  There were only six of us and there was plenty of social distancing.  It was another turkey-free day, with duck and chicken being the birds of choice.  I brought a couple of pies, alas, nothing home made.  Sara Lee's frozen Dutch Apple pie is surprisingly good.


Speaking of history, today I learned that there was an assassination attempt on Harry S Truman in 1950.  A couple of Puerto Rican nationalists came damn close and I wonder why I never knew about this before today.  Have any of you guys ever heard about Oscar Collazo?  This was news to me but it's very possible I learned it at one time but it has slipped my memory.



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