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Thursday, April 16, 2020

virtual my ass

If half of Detroit's population was poor and an eighth of Chicago's was poor then Detroit would have more poor people than Detroit.  I don't think that is the actual case, but just illustrating how a bigger city can have less poor people than a poorer one.  Personally I would like to pin Michigan's higher rate on the fact that their house and senate are both in the hands of Republicans which is the same as Trumpists because there is not an elected Republican who does not bow to kiss the orange toe.  Well maybe except for Romney, but he is an odd duck is he not.  In general, except for the glaring example of New York, the blue states are faring better than the red states.  When Beagles starts wondering why it is the way it is perhaps he could accept that explanation, but I expect that he will come up with something more convoluted and more to his liking, involving Them, and likely Mexicans and Black people.

I saw footage of that open up the state demonstration in Lansing, rowdy as a bunch of College kids at Daytona Beach.  You know not only do they endanger their lives, but they also endanger the lives of all the rest of us.

The openers do have a point that locking down is hurting the economy and that will result in deaths by itself, but loosening up before we have defeated the beast is going to be much worse.  We are yet far from it, but there will be some point where we can loosen up a bit, but the lockers and the openers are going to disagree with when that date is, and here will be a situation.  The problem for the openers is that their leader will be Trump who is incompetent and always looking out for his own interests.

Easter is come and gone,  My sister set up a virtual Easter with her and me and one of her sons and our niece and her hubby in California.  Something called duo which I expect is like that zoom that we hear about so much lately.  It was pretty stupid, you saw all these tiny faces on your phones and because everybody was moving around it was dizzying and everybody was glad to hang up after five minutes.  All this virtual crap, let me tell you, it's all a bunch of crap.  Touring a museum, and I love museums, on your computer is not at all like touring an actual museum.  Back before the corona we sneered, and rightly so, at people who had their heads stuck on a screen.  Well maybe it is better than nothing, but there are alternatives, read a book for Chrissake.

But I did get a little hooked on YouTube the other day.  I was reading about the history of cats, and the cats originated in the old world and the dogs in the new,  Well it wasn't exactly like our current old and new worlds because the continents are always shifting around, but that got me to thinking well where were the continents at various times in Earth's history, and I have a rough idea about how tectonics works but I would prefer to be more glib on the subject. 

I went, like I usually do at times like that, to wiki.  But on my path I came across some youtubes and what the hell, I watched them, and they were pretty good, they didn't have a lot of that self-promotion that annoys me so much and animation helps on a fluid subject like plate tectonics.  What they need though is to be more like CDs than cassette tapes so that when you need to go back to clarify something you could go back to a specific chapter and not just hit or miss some arbitrary distance back.. 

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