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Friday, April 17, 2020

The Natives Are Getting Restless

Our governor announced today that she is working on a plan to gradually phase out the coronavirus restrictions in stages.  Meanwhile, our legislature is reportedly working on a plan of its own, and I don't think they are consulting our governor about it.  Meanwhile, there seems to be a third plan in the works, and it's not pretty.  I have not heard of anything like that in our neck of the woods, but I don't get around much anymore. 

As I have said before, I have been practicing my own form of social distancing for years, so my life isn't much different now than it was before.  Right from the start, I was more worried about running out of toilet paper than I was about catching the virus.  We have been seeing empty shelves in our local Walmart for a year or more, although they have been somewhat emptier since the corona hit the fan.  The availability of paper products seems to be slowly returning to normal, but it ain't there yet.  Right now I am trying to find a bag of flour in this town.  A Walmart associate told my wife that they were fully stocked with flour yesterday, and it was all gone by today.  There is plenty of bread on the shelves, so that's not the problem.  I said it yesterday as a joke, but now I'm beginning to wonder if there's some truth to it.  Maybe they are trying to get us used to seeing those empty shelves so that, when the socialism is complete, we won't notice the difference.

I think I was in the first or second grade when I noticed how the east coast of the Western Hemisphere kind of fits into the west coast of the Eastern Hemisphere like two pieces of a puzzle.  Having never heard of plate tectonics in those days, I figured that the continents were afloat on the ocean and that they must have broken in two and drifted apart.  My teacher informed me that the continents did not float on the ocean, and that any similarity between those two coasts was a figment of my imagination.  It seems that she had never heard of plate tectonics either, maybe nobody had.  Turns out I had it right, except for the floating on the ocean part.  I must have been ahead of my time, although now I seem to be behind the times most of the time.  I don't remember ever being right up with the times, but a certain amount of memory loss is normal at my age.

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