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Wednesday, April 15, 2020

tax day

Michigan has more deaths than Illinois probably because Detroit has more poor people than Chicago. Poor people have more health problems and are more likely to die when illness hits.  It also may be that Michiganders are less compliant to the lockdown, or that their medical force is crappier, but I have no reason to think either of those are true.

Social distancing is slowing down the rate of infection.  My daily newspapers are almost exclusively about the corona, as is my cable tv, and my npr.  The news is out there in abundance and Beagles has ample opportunity to access it and find out the answers to his questions, so I'm not going to recap it all for him.  You know how unpleasant I can become when explaining things.

Even among the most virulent never Trumpers I don't hear anybody, not a single soul, saying that Trump caused the corona.  But I'm pretty sure that we all agree that he could have done a lot more to make it less severe if he had listened to the voices of even conservatives, even members of his own administration, screaming hey this is some bad shit going down you ought to do something and he did nothing but say this is no big deal, no worse than the usual flu, probably it will waft away on the summer winds, and a month was lost to the corona.  

And nobody is saying it will go away if we send Trump packing.  This is a peculiar sort of argument Beagles is employing, saying he doesn't believe something, implying that there are others that do when in fact nobody does, sort of like saying you don't believe that two plus two equals five, well nobody else does either so why bring it up?

The reason to dump Trump is because he is a lousy president.  He was a lousy president before corona, and he is even lousier with it because not only is he an extremely repellent lyin sack o shit, but he is also incompetent.

Basically in the face of this dilemma he has done nothing except insult reporters while the governors have done all the work,  Mostly it has been the dems because they don't have to be afraid of Trump like the reps,. but even the reps have gotten on board when they have seen their rates skyrocket.  Now the east and the west coast governors are getting together with each other and planning how they will get their economies rolling again when this fades.  Trump is roaring that he has the authority to tell them when they can do that which of course he doesn't.  He is assembling some board of his toadies to, well who knows what, to stand behind him on the podium while he insults reporters.  

If that sounds like leadership then it only behooves the only member of The Institute who lives in a purple state and therefore has a vote that matters, to cast his vote Trumpward.  If not he could toss away his vote on some dizzy libertarian. 

An inch of snow coming down here, oh and it's tax day.  Haven't even looked at that drawerful of papers in the kitchen.  Well, I've been so busy.   

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