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Wednesday, April 29, 2020

grappling with the facts

I didn't seriously mean that the Michigan reps were seeking to drive up the death toll in order to make the gov, Gretchen Whitmer, we might as well start using her name now that she is widely regarded as veep ,material, look bad, Though I would stick to my guns that she is trying to keep the death toll down which only makes sense because it's in her best interests,.

The idea that she is just doing this in an idle desire to see what she can get away with is ludicrous, like she is some schoolkid swiping a candy bar for the thrill of it. Equally ludicrous I find the idea that the Michigan reps are all in it in defense of some abstract legal principal.  If the gov was a rep and if Trump was for extending the order to eternity they would be clamoring to be the loudest voice in favor of shutting down forever.

But I am just speculating, I am far from the gallant struggle of gutsy Gretchen to save the lives of innocent Michiganders fighting off  horrendous horde of Trumpists who seek only to kiss his golden ring, so I don't know any of the details. Again I am not being (totally) serious here I am just illustrating how if anybody can believe anything they want, they can say whatever they want, and what's the point of discussing anything?.  One really needs to do an analysis, gathering the facts, weighing the sources, testing by hard cold logic, and perhaps most importantly challenging one's assumptions.

I'm having a little trouble with this myself,  I have become a member of the tribe of closers.  Anytime I hear of some opening I get outraged, how dare they, they are threatening not only their lives but mine also, and unflattening the curve so that this whole hateful shutdown will last even longer.  But this is all easy for me, ensconced in my cozy tower above the silent streets with my tv, computer, cats, social security, and state pension living the boring but soft life of Riley.  What of the smiling bartender who served me my last beer a month and a half ago and his ilk who are no longer getting their daily bread and how are they living through this? 

There is a case to be made for opening, and I should not be taking it's proponents as members of the opposite tribe who harbor ill will for my tribe and must be fought for every fucking inch of land.  At some point it will make sense to open.

It just doesn't look like that time is now.  Particularly when we see that those people who are allowed to go to the barber or the beach as long as they are obeying the mask and glove and six feet rules, are not following those rules at all,

I just don't think we are ready yet and am sticking close to my tribe.  And after those five declining days there has indeed been a spike with 132, an all-time high.  Shit fuck.

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