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Friday, April 17, 2020

the coming socialist paradise

I brought up Romney in context to reps nationwide.  He is the only national elected rep official who isn't all in the bag for Trump, and hence the only one who isn't a de facto Trumpist.  My comment about the blue states doing better than the red states under the corona because they in general locked down sooner is just a rough estimate.

Right now we are only guessing who has what because the captain of our ship of state didn't want to admit that the ship was sinking because he thought that it might make him look bad, so our testing was, and continues to be, minuscule.

So that's why we don't really know what is going on state-wise.  Some states test more, some less.  A lot of people have died because well it might have been old age or some condition and it might have been corona or it might not have been and some states put them in the corona column and some don't,  We will have to wait until this is over and the clown car of cronies leaves the white house so the government can investigate honestly to find out what really went on.

In the socialist paradise we won't mind losing some of our liberties because we all know that it is in service of our fellow citizens.  And we won't be eating decadent capitalist fare such as Froot Loops, so we will be steadily regular and our poops will leave less residue to be wiped away and we shall require much less toilet paper, so everything will be fine.  And Beagles will not be so grumpy and suspicious because he will be happily married to his gay dog, and will be humming the Internationale  as he uses his new plowshare, which was once Old Betsy, to prepare the swamp for a fresh crop of beets for his regular morning borscht.

So no interest in plate tectonics?  No interest in that thing with old world cats and new world dogs?  It turns out that eventually the old world collided with the new world via the Bering Straits and that's why we have both in both worlds.  Oh and South America used to be a paradise for marsupials but then the isthmus formed and the placentals rushed down and except for a few species wiped out the marsupials.  Lots of shit going on, old species dying out, no ones popping up as the continents bounce around the globe like slow sodden ping pong balls.  Why are so few people interested in this? 

In the socialist paradise after finishing their morning borscht and wiping their mouths clean with rough dark bread loaded with fiber, and having their immaculate movement and happily toiling for the good of all mankind, folks will settle down and read a good book and will learn all about plate tectonics and the rise and fall of species.

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