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Wednesday, April 29, 2020

The Correct Numbers

I've been getting most of my information about the corona situation in Michigan from the TV news.  This is not Fox news, the station I mostly watch is an NBC affiliate that broadcasts out of Traverse City.  The other one is a CBS affiliate that also broadcasts out of Traverse City.  When Trump comes on, I hit the mute button and just read the numbers tracking by on the bottom of the screen.  If Trump  is still on after I've seen the numbers, I go to the other station because they are usually live streaming Trump on their website while doing the regular news on the TV.  I don't have a DVR so, if I miss something, it's gone unless they show it again while I happen to be watching, which is usually only about a half hour a day.  If I seem to be putting a spin on it, that's because I'm trying to make sense out of the information I have and put it into some kind of perspective.

Today they interviewed two Swedish ladies.  The first one was a civilian who happens to be in Michigan at the moment, and the second one works for the Swedish government, I believe she's a member of their parliament.  They both reported that, while Sweden is practicing social distancing, they have not shut down their schools or any of their businesses.  Even the social distancing is not a law, it's just voluntary compliance with government recommendations.  They both said that something like that might not work in the U.S. because Americans are not as prone to voluntary compliance as the Swedes.  They believe that their country in on the right track for the long haul, and that it will be long haul.  The government lady closed with the following statement:  "I know our numbers seem quite high, but they are the correct numbers."  I responded to that with:  "Maybe Americans would be more prone to voluntary compliance if they had more confidence that they were being fed the correct numbers by their government."  But of course she couldn't hear me.

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