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Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Drawing the Line

I still have yet to see anybody around here wearing a mask, although my wife has seen a few.  What we both have seen is checkout clerks wearing gloves, as well as the nice young lady who gave me my take out order at the Chinese place yesterday.  Of course we don't go walking around down town, or any part of town for that matter.  

Walmart has announced that they are only going to let five customers per square foot, about 20% of the store's rated capacity, be in their stores at one time.  Once this limit has been reached, one new customer will be admitted as one leaves the store.  This is not a local thing, it came down from their corporate headquarters.  My wife and I have resolved that we are not going to stand outside for any length of time.  If the line is long, we will take our business elsewhere.  Walmart is like Face Book, everybody complains about it, but they keep going there anyway.  Walmart is cheap, to be sure, but life is too short to spend it standing in line, especially since they might not have what we want once we get inside.

Our state legislature has voted to extend the state of emergency to the end of the month, but our governor has hinted that she might pull a Trump and take unilateral action to extend it further.  I think Obama actually invented that tactic, but it will likely go down in history as a Trumpism.  I don't know that Trump has done it more often than Obama, but he certainly has been more of a prick about it.  I gave up trying to keep track of how many people Trump has fired a long time ago.  With most of them, I'm not even sure what their jobs were in the first place. 

I don't remember encountering any kind of age discrimination since I got old, but I experienced lots of it when I was young.  People were always telling me that I was too young to do something I wanted to do.  Then again, I don't want to do nearly as many things now as I wanted to do when I was young, so that might explain why nobody is telling me I can't do them.  


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