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Thursday, August 9, 2018

What's in it For Me?

Uncle Ken asked me how I got involved with the Birchers, so I told him.  They didn't have to convert me, their message was consistent with my previously held beliefs.  Then he asked me how I came to hold those beliefs, and I told him.  Those beliefs have evolved over the years into something a little different.  Today I no longer believe that the world is divided between us and them, it's more like me and them.  I don't think that everybody is against me, but I don't believe they are on my side either.  I think that everybody is on their own side, and so I should be too.  I wouldn't say that I am alienated from everybody else, more like detached.  I still help others from time to time, but I don't feel obligated to do so.  I would not rob or defraud anybody, and I'm not about to let them rob or defraud me either.  I don't join clubs or groups anymore because I have become disenchanted with every group I have ever been with.  It's not that they're bad people, well some of them are, but not all of them, it's just that I no longer have the time or energy to devote to other people's agendas.  I try to get along with the people with whom I come in contact, but I minimize those contacts.  It's not that I dislike others, it's just that I like myself better.  I don't have a lot of time left on this Earth, why shouldn't I spend it with the one who I like the most?

The results of our primary election were in our local newspaper today.  They said it was a day late because there was a "learning curve" with the new voting machines.  Funny, I didn't notice anything different in the machine I used, the changes must have been in the software or something.  Our Attorney General beat out our Lieutenant Governor for the Republican gubernatorial nomination.  The woman won on the Democratic side, although that Indian guy clearly outspent her on advertising.  Come to think of it, our Lieutenant Governor must have outspent his opponent as well.  John James, the former helicopter pilot beat out Sandy Pensler for the Senate nomination, even though Pensler certainly had more ads on TV.  So much for the assertion that money buys elections.

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