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Friday, August 31, 2018

Time for a new cigar box

The difference between a porn, or porno, movie and a conventional movie is that they really do it in a porn movie while, in a conventional movie, they just pretend to be doing it.

Not always, Mr. Beagles.  European films have fewer qualms about depicting sex acts but they can get away with it because they're not made for the American market with it's restrictive rating system.  With well known actors body doubles are used, sometimes using digital trickery to superimpose their faces on the bodies of the porn doubles actually doing the deed.  I liked it better in the old days when things were implied and hinted at so the viewer could use their own imagination, otherwise it's too distracting from the story.

That's the problem, I think.  Too many modern films rely on sex scenes, car chases, gun fights, and the eye candy of special effects in lieu of a good story and plot.  The wretched excess of those gimmicks makes for a film that may be exciting to watch but is forgettable, which is what modern audiences seem to want; an adrenaline rush from what is basically a crappy film.  Well, there's no accounting for taste, is there?  I still like a good car chase and gun fight, though.


I haven't had a beard in a couple of years. I liked it, not shaving and seeing how long it would grow.  I never trimmed it and it was amusing to see how people would react; a face full of whiskers seemed to confuse some folks but children usually gazed in awe, especially around Christmas time.  But a close call with some machine tools made me rethink my priorities, maybe a big beard isn't such a good idea so I've been clean-shaven, more or less, since then except for the moustache.  I never liked shaving my  upper lip, so I don't.  And I don't remember my last haircut, it's been at least ten years.  It never gets beyond a certain length and I tie it back to keep it out of my face, which is the main thing.  It's the most low maintenance solution that I can think of.


Summer is over and it's back to school time for the youngsters, one of my favorite times of the year.  I remember those last minute scrambles for new school supplies in grade school, the most important to me was a pristine cigar box.  Do kids even bother with cigar boxes anymore or is everything stuffed into a backpack?  It seems like backpacks suddenly became a thing in the late 20th Century and that was it, no looking back.

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