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Monday, August 27, 2018

Monday, Monday

Further research reveals that those Mackinaw peaches aren't even from Oregon.  They're not from anywhere.  The folks at Seinfeld made them up.  When I asked if Michigan is a big cheese state, I meant to say peach.  Sometimes I just type in the wrong word.  I double check after I write anything but sometimes I don't catch it.

I vaguely remember in my early days the ragsaline guys.  I seem to remember fruit trucks too, and a guy who had some knife sharpening wheel on a cart, and the guy with the pony, who would take a photo of the kid on it.

My Czech grandmother used to say that her parents left Czech because the Kaiser wanted to make them speak German.  They were in the Austrian Hungarian Empire and the Kaiser was in Germany, but you know, a kraut is a kraut.  I remember in high school trying to find out the derogatory names for ethnicitys.  An odd one was Lugan for Lithuanians,  Who hates Lithuanians?  I don't remember the derogatory name for Finns.  I guess it would be to call them Swedes, and to call Swedes Norwegians, and the Norwegians, Finns.

Back in 1953 when we bought our first automobile (a lime green Customline Ford), my Dad's idea of a fun vacation was to drive around Lake Michigan with three kids howling in the back seat.  The outstanding thing I took away from Mackinaw Island is that they did not allow automobiles, and I just looked it up and they still don't.  Good for them.

A third of the people in the US are hardcore Trumpists. How do you screen them out?

I wish Old Dog would explain in his own words this Chinese AI social reputation thing, whenever I read one of those articles my head needs scratching.  I don't guess I care what my fb rep is.  You know there are people out there who establish little kingdoms in twitter and snapchat and youtube, or whatever and somehow monetize it.  Maybe that would effect them, by they are so out of my orbit that I don't care.

There were a ton of derogatory names for black people in Gage Park.  It was extremely racist.  Not much on Jews though.  I don't think we had very many.

I read where Trump was offered some comments to make about McCain by KellyAnne and Sarah Sanders that included praise of McCain, but he rejected the praise part.  I hate when somebody big dies because the real news is hidden behind this veils of praise and endless funny anecdotes that aren't really that funny.  I watched on CNN and Fox and it seems like CNN favored things like the vote for Obamacare, and Fox favored his hawkish stuff.  I wonder how Carrot Top is taking all this news about somebody other than himself, and all that praise, and the implied rebuke for Trump who has gone after McCain many times.

I expect he will not be able to stand it much longer, but it is still early in the morning.

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