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Monday, August 13, 2018

Card Carriers

We've had this card discussion before.  As I remember it, the Democratic Party of Cook County doesn't issue membership cards, they just put your name on a list.  I don't remember if the American Independent Party or the Republican Party of Cheboygan County issued me a card, but I'm sure that the Libertarian Party did.  The term "card carrying member" was used back in the Commie days to distinguish between a party member and someone who just liked the Commies but never officially joined the party.  Maybe a more accurate distinction nowadays might be "dues paying member".  Lots of people call themselves "Democrats" or "Republicans" because that's how they usually vote, but that's not the same thing as being a member of the party.

That "snow plow thing" on the front of my tractor is called a "front end loader", or "bucket" for short.  Although I use it to plow snow, I also use it for a number of other things, which is why I never detach it from the tractor.  Taking selfies with a trail camera is a tricky business.  If you pass too close to the camera, the motion detector triggers the picture prematurely and all you get is the leading edge of the subject.  I got a lot of pictures showing just the front end loader as I passed by. Apparently it took me less than ten minutes to make one circuit of the field, so I didn't get many pictures from the other side, which was far enough away that the camera didn't trigger prematurely.  I can change that ten minute setting, and maybe I will the next time I try something like this.

The book I have doesn't say how the states or their residents got their names, just how the borders came to be decided.  People from Michigan are sometimes called "Michiganians", but "Michigander" is more popular.  Now that I think of it, I wonder what they call people from Arkansas, or Mackinaw City.

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