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Thursday, August 9, 2018

The Lone Ranger is a bore

I think that us vs them thing is a flaw in human nature.  I guess it  worked for us back when we were tribes.  Well it worked for the tribes that deployed it effectively, since they wiped out  the tribes that didn't, and they became us.  I wonder if it was necessary as far as the birth of civilization.  What if way back then we had sat down with the other tribe and worked out an agreement?  Wouldn't that have worked out just as well, dare I say better?

The social Darwinists would not think so.  Don't we want the survival of the fittest, so that we will have the fittest, the strongest, the best, example of humanity strutting around on God's green earth?  One thing wrong about that is that this isn't a couple species competing for the grasslands, we are all one species.  Another thing is that when species do compete they don't fight each other, they just develop better teeth to crack an acorn better than those squirrels of another color and get fatter and have more offspring and pretty soon they are the only squirrels in the forest, but this is done without any clashing of teeth.

I think there is an us vs them component in the genes of people, but I think Beagles got a higher dose than most.  Certainly more than myself who got pretty tired of the Lone Ranger at an early age because it was just the same damn thing every episode, and I had to wonder, why is the Lone Ranger so Goddamn good?  Doesn't he ever slip a few of those gold coins from the bank robbery into his pockets, you know for a good meal, a soft hotel bed instead of that crappy tent outside of town, maybe one of those ladies strutting about in the bar?  Doesn't he ever plug somebody just because he doesn't like the mole on their nose? 

I'm not advocating for theft of murder, but in the course of my life I have never come across anybody who always does the right thing.  Therefore the Lone Ranger is not real.  Well of course none of those fictional characters is real, that's why they call it fiction, but a character who does the wrong thing from time to time seems more like a real person than the Lone Ranger, whose act, like I said, got old for me at a pretty young age.

I don't think the teachers vs the kids is a good example of us vs them since they are distinct social roles, the better example would be the Tonti kids vs the Sawyer School kids.  But even within that construct I kind of liked some of the teachers and I disliked some of my fellow kids, so you see it is complicated.

I long ago formulated the theory that there were four kinds of people: some thought life was a mountain climb, some thought it was a quest, some thought it was a pleasure cruise, and some thought it was a battle.  The climbers were all about becoming a success, the questers were looking for the Secret of Life, the pleasure cruisers were all about having a good time, and the battlers were all about the battle of good and evil.

Here's the thing about the battle between good and evil:  one could make a philosophical case for or against it, but when it comes down to a brass tacks it always comes down to us vs them and once that level is reached good and evil is out the window and you are just looking for better fighters.

Much more to say about this, but the hour is getting late.  But we have one more day before the weekend so I imagine we can solve this whole problem before the end of the week.

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