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Thursday, May 18, 2017

whence vengeance

I don't think culture is inborn either.  If babies are born switched at birth from Asia to Africa neither will reflect the culture from whence they were born.  I had to look back two posts to find the quote.  Ah there it is, I was making my distinction between society and culture.  I can see now where I was being careless with my prepositions.  I should have said born into instead of born with.  I suppose we are born with some kind of basal human culture just from our genes, like the way dogs or cats removed at birth would each display a cat or dog set of behaviors, but maybe I am stretching things.

But maybe I could just say that I am a smart guy.  I know this because some smart people told me I was smart and I know that they are smart because they could tell that I was smart.  And since I am a smart person everything I say is smart, so probably there was some hidden truth in that comment about culture that people who weren't smart weren't able to get.  Yeah, that's what it was.

I don't know about those hot pepper arms races.  Probably somebody will have a hotter one next year, and so what, nobody eats the damn things,  I can do jalapenos just fine, but I won't go near a habenero. My balcony was sealed from me at the beginning of April and has just been unsealed.  I will have tomatoes, jalapenos, sunflowers, and maybe some mystery guest which I haven't chosen yet. And this year I will be adding some heavenly blues to my purple and pink strains of morning glories.  Yes, those heavenly blues.  I imbibed of them in my youth.  We soaked them and then pureed them and held our noses and drank them and puked and then decided well maybe we were kind of high.  Kind of a lot of effort compared to paying some stranger a few bucks and taking some oddly shaped pill of whatever and getting really high.

Old Dog speaks wisely when he speaks of not getting bogged down in the most trivial of slights and not moving on with your life.  I might amend that to include less trivial slights, or indeed any slight that does not threaten the future.  Don't we all know some guy who every now and then slips into remembrance of some perceived injustice he suffered years ago, but it is just as fresh in remembrance as it was when he first received it, and once he gets to the subject he goes on and on and on and you're all criminently give it a rest, but the poor sap just can't.

We all nod sagely when we hear that revenge is best served cold, but we know the joy it gives when served piping hot.  Is forgiveness just the abeyance of taking vengeance?

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