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Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Trump in Europe

I knew that Trump had been to Europe. I just wasn't aware that people were making such a big deal out of it. Presidents go to foreign countries all the time, and their people come over here all the time. So what? Well, I just did some looking up on the subject, and now I think I know what you guys have been talking about.

Don't get me wrong, I still don't like Trump's personality, but I do agree with some of what he says. For instance, I think it is about time that our allies start paying for more of their own defense. World War II has been over for more than 70 years, and all those economies should have recovered by now. NATO was originally founded to protect all of us against Russia, and I always thought it should have been disbanded once the Cold War was over. Now I'm not so sure about that, since Russia started rattling its saber again, but that doesn't mean we have to pay for everything. The US might still be the richest country in the world, although Red China is on track to surpass us if it hasn't already, but I doubt that we are as rich as all the rest of the world put together.

I thought Trump was exaggerating when he said on TV that he had just negotiated the biggest arms deal in history with Saudi Arabia. Well, according to the Washington Post, it's true. That's the trouble with people who lie a lot, the one time they tell the truth, nobody believes them. I'm not so sure that selling all those weapons to the Saudis was a good idea. How do we know that some of those guns won't end up in the hands of terrorists? I know that Saudi Arabia is supposed to be our ally, but it is an Islamic country after all, and you never know what those people will do. Come to think of it, you never know what Trump will do either. Maybe that's why he got along so well over there.

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